Discovery of the Acropolis Museum in Athens


The new Acropolis Museum first opened to the public on 20 June 2009, 2 years later than initially announced. The site has a surface area of almost 25,000m², of which only 14,000m² is used for exhibitions. This fabulous temple of glass keeps all of its promises, it was constructed on stilts to preserve and integrate an archaeological site, the visitor can wander through the ruins of an urban complex whose oldest parts go back to the archaic period.

4th step : The Acropolis Museum

A brief introduction

The entrance hall presents short videos and other amusing animations about the transfer of the old museum and on how the Parthenon was built.

The first space of the museum

After the gates, there is a contemporary replica of the entry to the Parthenon site with the stairs of the Propylæa, the first hall exhibits archaic artifacts.

Creative workshops on the 2nd 

The workshops are a way to assimilate and understand the techniques used to make the colouring and also the way to paint statues and other monuments of ancient Greece.

The models in the lobby

A number of models in the entrance hall give a clear idea of the evolution of the sacred rock over the centuries, right up to the Frankish era of the Crusaders.

The first floor of the Museum

Turn right at the top of the stairs, it' s the only part of the Archaic space that you can't take pictures of. You have to wait till the Caryatids area to take pictures.

Librairy & Bar/Restaurant on the 2nd

The restaurant, with a large terrace and view of Acropolis Hill, operates at the same time as the museum. The bookstore also offers books in French.

Outside the museum

The glassed-in floors and fitted spaces permit visitors to observe the ancient ruins and Roman mosaics. A section that can be visited with your entry ticket.

Propylaea and Caryatids

A precise model of the Propylaea allows you to better imagine the building. As for the Caryatids, they have had a facelift to regain their original splendour.

Screening room on the 3rd floor

On the third floor you may find a place to relax and enjoy the projection of a report (not available in French, too bad) only in English or Greek.

Not to miss while visiting the museum

The slopes of the Acropolis - ground floor

It gathers all the offerings and other artifacts discovered in the sanctuaries located on the slopes of Acropolis rock. A great quantity of offerings and exvotos are collected there, considering the quantity of miniatures it goes to say that the grievances and gratitude to the gods were very common. There are also a great number of utensils that were used for medical purposes, cooking and even for divination.

The most important things to find out on this level

- Offerings and exvotos - loutrophores (two-handled funeral pot) - the brazier - thumb crusher for mortar - the table barbecue- 
- The funerary pedestral - Aphrodite's piggy bank of gold coins - Papposilenus carrying Dionysus - Votive offerings to Asclepius -

Some pictures of Acropolis Museum of Athens

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The first floor of the Acropolis Museum

Archaic  remains area - 1st floor

It is not allowed to take pictures at this level in that part only, it gathers all the vestiges found under the construction dating from the Archaic period, like some very nice pieces of work with superb statues still painted by place. This space is under strict supervision of the guards, do not try to defy the ban, the publication on media even private is penalized. The rest of the space from the escalators and the Caryatids are open to cameras.

The most important things to find out on this level

The Kores - The marbles of the Parthenon and the tools - The pediments of the archaic temple of "Hekatompedon" -
- The persian cavaliers - The Caryatids - The pillars of Propylaea - The model of the entire complex - 

Propylaea and Caryatids area - 1st floor

At last we have the right to take the cameras out, in this area we even have the right to take a picture with the beautiful Caryatids, it's quite strange because in many museums it is forbidden to pose with a sculpture. Just before you enter the Hall of Caryatids you can admire the model of the Propylaea and behind a partition you can admire the life-size upper element of an Ionic style column and imagine the weight to be lifted to the top.

The second floor of the Acropolis Museum

The workshop area

The secrets of staining and restoring ancient masterpieces are revealed in this small but very instructive workshop. It presents the way to prepare the stains and their application, the copying of sculptures, etc. A showcase also presents the minerals and their origins (sometimes it is moved in another part of the museum). 

In this space, there is a model of the Acropolis made entirely of lego, quite successful, it was donated by Australia. On the side, the Acropolis bookstore as well as a restaurant and a bar, with an outside terrasse overlooking the Parthenon.

 Please note that when you return from these areas, you need your entrance ticket to get back in the exhibition hall.

The third floor of the Acropolis museum

The central zone of the 3rd floor

Here we are at the last level of the glass palace, a warning for the ladies, if you are wearing a skirt, choose the parts with the glass floor blurred, or you will offer to the visitors of the lower floor some images to feed their fantasies. Well, this part is very interesting, you will discover 2 models of the Parthenon's pediments, a model of the last one, the bills of construction of the ancient building (I underline) and a screening in English or in Greek that explains quite simply the construction, the evolution, the friezes and the metopes as well as the several stages that have led to the deterioration and the partial destruction of the temple.

The most important things to find out on this level

- The model of the east pediment - The model of the west pediment - The model of the Parthenon - 

- The work cost stelae - The video projection-

The Peripheral zone of the 3rd floor

The architects have realized, in this glass palace, a modern life-size copy of the ancient temple on its upper part, which thus allows to provide a space for each frieze or metope plate. Using the same number of original columns, they have also made sure to maintain the same east/west orientation. 

This modern temple is now waiting for the UK in particular, but also other countries, to fulfill the wishes of Melina Mercouri, initiator of the new museum project and the return of the Parthenon marbles. From this area of controlled natural lighting, the view of the original is grandiose! Tell me is there anyone who does not take a picture of himself with the Parthenon in the background?

The most important things to find out on this level

Take a look at the references of the elements and you will notice that many are marked BM (British Museum). We are also pleased to note the come back of some elements on the western part, laid on the ground before being restored and hoisted in their place.

Rates for e-ticket to the Acropolis Museum

Skip the line ticket for the museum

Rate from 01/11 to 31/03

13 €

7 €

Free entry :

- March 6 - March 25 - May 18 - October 25 and under 18 y. old

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